Despite a slow start, the 2022 midterm primary season is well underway, and last night’s series of five primaries means that 10 states have chosen their party’s nominees for the November elections. And as primary season unfolds (19 more states will be holding their primaries between next Tuesday and June 28), there are additional signals […]
Archive | Polling
RSS feed for this sectionLouisiana 2021 Marijuana Poll Part II (Poll of 9 House Districts)
Louisiana has a reputation for being a conservative state, and that reputation is particularly accurate if social/lifestyle issues are involved. One of those “lifestyle issues” is liberalization of marijuana laws, and the extent to which voters want to relax those laws is an issue JMC has polled several times in Louisiana and once in Michigan […]
Louisiana 2021 Marijuana Poll
Louisiana has a reputation for being a conservative state, and that especially true if social/lifestyle issues are involved. The extent to which voters want to relax existing marijuana laws is an issue JMC has polled several times in Louisiana and once in Michigan (the Michigan poll can be found here). JMC was recently engaged by […]
Decision 2020: Georgia U.S. Senate Runoff Polls
Georgia is a state that best exemplifies the tension between both the “new South” and the “old South.” A generation ago, the continuously booming suburbs in and around Atlanta brought Republicanism to this once solidly Democratic state (which was one of a handful of states to stick with Jimmy Carter in his 1980 landslide defeat […]
Decision 2020: Did the pollsters get it right (or wrong) this time?
As the 2020 Presidential election cycle (with the notable exceptions of two Senate runoffs in Georgia and Congressional certification of the Electoral College vote for President) concludes, the discussion that occurs every four years of whether pollsters “missed the mark” on the Presidential election results has returned front and center to the political discourse. Let’s […]
Decision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 27 edition)
We are now in the home stretch of the 2020 Presidential election cycle. Today is the last day to early vote in Louisiana (Louisiana’s early voting has seen record numbers – more on that later), and other states will similarly conclude their early voting this week. Given that we are nearing the end, JMC will […]
Decision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 10 edition)
With both first Presidential and the Vice-Presidential debates completed and Election Day just over three weeks away (in six days, in person early voting starts in Louisiana), election season continues to move at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the current atmospherics of the election cycle by focusing […]
Decision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 4 edition)
With the first Presidential debate completed and Election Day just over four weeks away, election season continues to move at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the current atmospherics of the election cycle by focusing both on early voting and available polling. Discussion Point #1: Not “Election DAY”, […]
Decision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (September 27 edition)
While Election Day is just over five weeks away, election season is (with the first Presidential debate two days away) moving at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the current atmospherics of the election cycle by focusing on early voting and (to a lesser extent) available polling. Discussion […]
A modern (and transparent) way to poll major races
In the nearly 10 years I’ve been in business, polling in Louisiana (and other states across the country) is something I do – and love doing – for a living, whether the race is a national, statewide, or a local one. I’ve noticed in the political world, however, there is a scant availability of independent, […]