Archive by Author

Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (July 19 edition)

We are now (from an election season perspective) in the “calm before the storm.” The Republican convention has just concluded, the opening ceremonies for the Olympics are a week from today, and then the Democratic convention convenes on August 19 in Chicago. Primary season (for Congressional, state, legislative, and local races) is also underway across […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (June 13 edition)

Election Day is on November 5, which seems like the distant future (for one thing, only 25 states have even held their primaries as this article is being written), but with the major party’s nominees’ essentially being determined several months ago, now is the time to begin the discussion about the upcoming Presidential election season […]

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Louisiana Statewide Poll (Attitudes about Louisiana’s open primary system II)

Louisiana has since the 1970s had an open primary system for electing its public officials, whereby candidates (regardless of party) run on the same primary and/or general election ballot. In the first special session of 2024, the law was changed to restrict who could participate in primary elections for the US House/Senate, the Public Service […]

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Decision 2024 – Day 1 of Early Voting (Is mail in voting “a thing” now ?)

Ever since early voting was established in Louisiana nearly 20 years ago, it has steadily become an accepted method of voting, and it has reshuffled existing assumptions about how to plan “get out the vote” activities. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020-2022 added a nuance to the “accepted method of voting”, however, as mail in voting […]

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Louisiana Statewide Poll (Attitudes about Louisiana’s open primary system)

Louisiana has since the 1970s had an open primary system for electing its public officials, whereby candidates (regardless of party) run on the same primary and/or general election ballot. There is proposed legislation (as part of items to be considered in an upcoming special session to begin on January 15) to change from this open […]

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Louisiana Climate Change/Solutions Statewide Poll (Part II)

In December 2022, JMC conducted a first-of-its-kind poll for an energy client to enhance the discussion around climate policy in Louisiana (that poll can be found here) – Louisiana’s dual role both as a coastal state and as a significant producer of energy makes this state “Ground Zero” for any discussions concerning climate policy. The […]

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Decision 2024: National Republican Primary Poll #2

JMC Analytics and Polling conducted a poll of likely national Republican voters. Major takeaways are as follows: (1) Former President Trump retains the strong residual support of Republican voters, (2) Governor Ron DeSantis has seen some slippage in his support, and (3) If former President Trump were to skip the debate, his absence wouldn’t matter […]

Decision 2024: National Republican Primary Poll

JMC Analytics and Polling conducted a poll of likely national Republican voters. Major takeaways are as follows: (1) Former President Trump retains the strong residual support of Republican voters, (2) Only Governor Ron DeSantis and Senator Tim Scott have similar strong favorable ratings, and, (3) Republican voters are not as monolithically conservative as narrative would […]

Louisiana Statewide Poll (Attitudes about film industry/tax incentives)

JMC Analytics and Polling was recently commissioned by the Louisiana Film Entertainment Association/LFEA (which can be reached at either or to poll Louisianians about the state’s film industry/tax incentives to develop this industry. Major takeaways are as follows: (1) The film industry in Louisiana is held in high esteem, (2) Tax incentives to […]

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Louisiana Statewide Poll (Attitudes about criminal justice issues)

JMC was recently commissioned by the Justice Action Network to poll Louisianians about attitudes related to the criminal justice system. Major takeaways are as follows: Crime is the number one issue for Louisianians; Voters are unhappy about the current functioning of the criminal justice system; Attitudes have changed about how non-violent offenders should be dealt […]

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