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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 19 edition)

Introduction Early voting is underway in Louisiana (and concludes on Tuesday, 10/29), and the end is in sight. Currently, 21 states are undergoing in person voting, and Election Day just over two weeks away. Given that we’re going into the final stretch of the campaign, what has been going on (from a polling perspective) with […]

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Decision 2020: Georgia U.S. Senate Runoff Polls

Georgia is a state that best exemplifies the tension between both the “new South” and the “old South.” A generation ago, the continuously booming suburbs in and around Atlanta brought Republicanism to this once solidly Democratic state (which was one of a handful of states to stick with Jimmy Carter in his 1980 landslide defeat […]

Decision 2020 – “Two day warning” for early voting (Are ONE million early voters possible in Louisiana?)

Ever since its introduction nearly 15 years ago, Louisianians are increasingly choosing to vote before Election Day. Adding to that tendency has been the coronavirus pandemic, as voter access both to early and mail in voting has been expanded this year. So what have eight days of early voting told us ? Continued record early […]

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Decision 2020 – Day 1 of Early Voting (Very long lines, social distancing, and record turnout)

Increasingly, Louisianians are choosing to vote before Election Day. Adding to that tendency has been the  coronavirus pandemic, as voter access both to early and mail in voting has been expanded this year. So what did the first day of early voting tell us ? Record early voting turnout, which benefitted Democrats In recent election […]

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Louisiana Vaccination Poll

In recent years, the issue of whether or not to vaccinate children and/or adults has become somewhat controversial. To determine what true public opinion is about vaccinations among Louisianians, the Louisiana chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (LAAAP) engaged JMC Analytics and Polling to conduct a 16 question survey. There are three main takeaways […]

Decision 2019 – Day 1 of runoff early voting (Louisiana Democrats channel Bill Clinton)

After one term in office as Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton was defeated when he ran for re-election in 1980. Experts attributed his upset loss to “three Cs” – (1) car tags (Governor Clinton substantially increased the license plate fees in his first term), (2) Cubans (after Fidel Castro allowed over 100,000 Cubans to emigrate […]

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Decision 2019: Comparing John Bel Edwards’ (2019) and Mary Landrieu’s (2002) races

Picture this runoff scenario: an incumbent statewide Democrat who according to conventional wisdom would win in the primary, and who bragged about voting with the President 74% of the time. Yet on primary day, this incumbent Democrat received 46% of the vote. The second place finisher/runoff opponent was a Republican who received 27% of the […]

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Decision 2019 – Conclusion of in person early voting in Louisiana

In person early voting concluded last night (mail in absentees can still be accepted up to the day before Election Day), and it broke some records. What did early voting this year tell us? Strong turnout As of last night, 374,190 Louisianians either early voted by person or by mail in ballot (340,480 in person, […]

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Decision 2019–Day 1 of Louisiana Early Voting – Thanks,Coach O!

In person early voting is now underway for the 2019 statewide elections in Louisiana and will continue until next Saturday, October 5 (after which, mail in absentee ballots will be accepted for another week). What did yesterday’s early vote tell us ? Near record early voting turnout, but…… Twice in recent election cycles, examining the […]

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Decision 2019: JMC’s guide to 2019 Legislative Elections in Louisiana

Louisiana is one of three states (Mississippi and Kentucky are the others) who have statewide elections this year. And while the Governor’s race will certainly be competitive (as evidenced by this recent JMC poll), races for the state legislature are a similarly important part of the political landscape. Historically, Democratic dominance in Louisiana was exemplified […]

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