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Decision 2024: Did the pollsters get it right (or wrong) this time?

Now that the 2024 Presidential election cycle is in the past, the discussion that occurs every election cycle of whether pollsters “missed the mark” with regards to the Presidential election results is worth bringing up now. Let’s look at the data to evaluate whether or not pollsters “got it wrong” again. JMC did similar analyses […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 19 edition)

Introduction Early voting is underway in Louisiana (and concludes on Tuesday, 10/29), and the end is in sight. Currently, 21 states are undergoing in person voting, and Election Day just over two weeks away. Given that we’re going into the final stretch of the campaign, what has been going on (from a polling perspective) with […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (October 11 edition)

Introduction We are in the midst of election season now; in fact, people are already voting in 44 states – that we know about, and Election Day is just over three weeks away (in person early voting starts in Louisiana next Friday). Given that we’re going into the final stretch of the campaign, what has been […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (August 23 edition)

Introduction Now that the Democratic convention is over, we are now officially in the “final sprint” to Election Day. Primary season has nearly concluded (Alaska, Florida, and Wyoming held their primaries this past Tuesday), which means now that only five states have not yet held their primaries. Four of those five contests will be held […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (August 10 edition)

Introduction The Olympics (which concludes tomorrow) are coming to a close, and the Democratic convention in Chicago commences in 9 days. The Democrats finally have their ticket determined, as Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. On the Congressional/statewide primary circuit, four more states (Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington) held their […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (July 27 edition)

Introduction While the departure of Joe Biden from the Presidential contest has been the latest “campaign shocker”, has the Presidential race fundamentally changed ? Today, JMC will purely focus on applicable polling to evaluate the answer to this question. In the short term, the Presidential contest is about to take “second stage” to the Olympic […]

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Decision 2024: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (July 19 edition)

We are now (from an election season perspective) in the “calm before the storm.” The Republican convention has just concluded, the opening ceremonies for the Olympics are a week from today, and then the Democratic convention convenes on August 19 in Chicago. Primary season (for Congressional, state, legislative, and local races) is also underway across […]

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Decision 2024 – Day 1 of Early Voting (Is mail in voting “a thing” now ?)

Ever since early voting was established in Louisiana nearly 20 years ago, it has steadily become an accepted method of voting, and it has reshuffled existing assumptions about how to plan “get out the vote” activities. The coronavirus pandemic of 2020-2022 added a nuance to the “accepted method of voting”, however, as mail in voting […]

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Louisiana Climate Change/Solutions Statewide Poll (Part II)

In December 2022, JMC conducted a first-of-its-kind poll for an energy client to enhance the discussion around climate policy in Louisiana (that poll can be found here) – Louisiana’s dual role both as a coastal state and as a significant producer of energy makes this state “Ground Zero” for any discussions concerning climate policy. The […]

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Decision 2023/2024 – JMC Podcast (Governor/President)

Former East Baton Rouge Parish School Board President David Tatman (who also owns his own lobbying firm) has a podcast called “The Pelican Brief.” John Couvillon was a recent guest, and he was interviewed about both the 2023 Louisiana Governor’s race and the 2024 Presidential primary contests. His interview can be found here: