Decision 2020: Georgia U.S. Senate Runoff Polls

Georgia is a state that best exemplifies the tension between both the “new South” and the “old South.” A generation ago, the continuously booming suburbs in and around Atlanta brought Republicanism to this once solidly Democratic state (which was one of a handful of states to stick with Jimmy Carter in his 1980 landslide defeat against Ronald Reagan). However, those same suburbs (both due to increasing ethnic diversity and changing political attitudes) are now shifting towards the Democrats, and that shift, when combined with a substantial black population that votes in proportion to its voter registration numbers, enabled Joe Biden to be the first Democrat in 28 years to carry the state in a Presidential election.

This is the second crowdfunded poll JMC Analytics and Polling has conducted, thanks to a sufficient interest in funding this endeavor from the “Election Twitter” community.

The poll (and its crosstabs) can be found here.