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Decision 2020 – Day 1 of Louisiana Presidential Primary early voting

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the coronavirus pandemic has been a disruptive event. Not only in terms of its widespread impact on people’s lives, but to entire industries as well. It has also (in an instant) reshaped the way that elections are being conducted. Louisiana’s 2020 Presidential Primary is yet another […]

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Decision 2020: Why Louisiana’s primary matters

Early voting starts tomorrow in Louisiana for its twice pushed back Presidential primary, although the ballot also contains a handful of local races, as well as Democratic/Republican party committee races. So why does this twice delayed primary matter (July 11 primary, August 15 runoff) ? Historically in Louisiana, mail in voting has made up an […]

Decision 2020: A “distant early warning” about Election “Week” this November

Imagine waking up the morning after Election Day without knowing who won the Presidential election. This actually happened back in November 2000, when a series of reporting errors on Election Night eventually led to the infamous “Florida recount”, as a late evening lead by George W. Bush in that state rapidly disintegrated to less than […]

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Decision 2020: Current status of this unusual election cycle (May 27 edition)

Going back in time to mid March, two events occurred almost simultaneously: (1) the coronavirus pandemic initially triggered shutdowns across most of America, and (2) Joe Biden’s “Super Tuesday” dominance over Bernie Sanders essentially concluded the competitive part of Democratic nomination contest. As a precaution against spreading the virus further, many states that would have […]

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Coronavirus map (March 24, 2020 version)

The coronavirus pandemic has rapidly spread across America in recent weeks, prompting a rash of (constantly changing) restrictions by various state and local governmental entities. JMC has been updating Twitter users periodically of these changes, and wishes to do the same with its followers who do not use Twitter. Below is the map, which is […]

Decision 2020: A new year, and a new election cycle

As the decade ends, a new election cycle (both in Louisiana and nationally) is about to begin. And technically (since ballots to overseas voters have already been sent out in New Hampshire) voting has already begun for what will be a multi-dimensional election cycle, with Presidential, Congressional, statewide, and local contests being held. Presidential race […]

Louisiana Vaccination Poll

In recent years, the issue of whether or not to vaccinate children and/or adults has become somewhat controversial. To determine what true public opinion is about vaccinations among Louisianians, the Louisiana chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (LAAAP) engaged JMC Analytics and Polling to conduct a 16 question survey. There are three main takeaways […]

Decision 2019: JMC’s Runoff Post-Mortem

As both the decade and the 2019 election cycle comes to a close, JMC would like to analyze the results through the prism of the December 2002 runoff that saw Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu re-elected, as there are similarities between that race and Governor John Bel Edwards’ successful re-election race (that comparison was also made […]

Decision 2019: Louisiana Governor’s Race Poll (runoff edition)

Louisiana is a Southern state that remained faithful to the Democratic Party longer than any other state in the region except possibly Arkansas. However, there has been an unmistakable and steady movement over the last decade to the Republicans, to the point that now there are Republican majorities nearly across the board (in other words, […]

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Decision 2019 – Conclusion of runoff in person early voting in Louisiana

In person early voting concluded last night (mail in absentees can still be accepted up to the day before Election Day), and it broke some records. What did seven days of runoff early voting tell us? Strong turnout As of last night, 489.649 Louisianians either early voted by person or by mail in ballot (451,171 […]

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