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2015 Louisiana Census Estimates By Parish

While the US Census (which was last taken on April 1, 2010) is formally conducted every 10 years, the Census Bureau periodically posts estimates of the Census population for all counties/parishes across the nation. And just yesterday, population estimates were released for all of Louisiana’s 64 parishes. What do these population estimates tell us ? While […]

Decision 2016: “Super Saturday”/Louisiana primary results

Until Super Tuesday, Donald Trump set the narrative for each primary contest, as he was an apparently unstoppable juggernaut. That changed on March 1, when he had a good (but not a great) night by carrying 7 out of the 11 GOP contests. And after a less than stellar debate performance this past Thursday night […]

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Decision 2016: Louisiana’s primary – what does it take to win?

Louisiana is holding its Presidential primary on Saturday, March 5, and early voting is already underway. Given that the race will be held in the aftermath of the 14 state contests on March 1 (also known as “Super Tuesday”) we will undoubtedly get some attention from the candidates. So what does it take for a […]

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“Bite sized politics”: Upset in the Louisiana House

In Louisiana, the governor has traditionally has a lot of power, and some of that power includes the tradition of selecting the House and Senate leadership at the beginning of a governor’s administration. However, the 2015 elections resulted in a “split decision”, where the Governor’s chair was recaptured by the Democrats after being out of […]

(The end of) Decision 2015: What happened ?

At the onset of the 2015 election cycle, Senator David Vitter was considered the prohibitive favorite for Governor. Yet at the conclusion of last night’s runoff, his 44% showing was the worst statewide showing for a Republican candidate in a competitive race since the 1991 runoff, when Edwin Edwards defeated David Duke 61-39%. What conclusions can be […]

Decision 2015: Early Voting “Half Time Report”

Three days of early voting have occurred for the October 24, 2015 primary (early voting ends this Saturday). What have the numbers cumulatively told us ? (1) Slowdown in activity: As of yesterday, 88,184 early voted or mailed in their ballot. This is 8% less than the early voting volume after three days of early […]

Decision 2015: The end of candidate qualifying

Candidate qualifying for the October 2015 elections has concluded, and while there will be some candidate withdrawals next week, we now have a clearer picture of the 2015 election cycle. Given that the Legislature involves 144 individual House/Senate races, this article will look at a summary level at those races. Incumbents return: 49 House members […]

Decision 2015 (Candidate qualifying): JMCEL’s “four hour warning” report

Candidate qualifying for the October 2015 elections started Tuesday and continues until 4:30 PM today. As of 12:30 PM today, there remain two observations from examining data on those who qualified for statewide, legislative, and BESE races: “Return of the incumbents” – All who are not term limited out except for Rep. Ebony Woodruff (D-Harvey) […]

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Decision 2015 (Candidate qualifying): JMCEL’s “half time report”

Candidate qualifying for the October 2015 elections started yesterday and continues until tomorrow afternoon. As of 1PM today (just over halfway through the process), here are two observations from examining data on those who qualified for statewide, legislative, and BESE races: “Incumbent’s Day” – nearly all of those who are not term limited out decided […]

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