Introduction The 2018 federal election season (with the exception of possible runoffs in Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi) is coming to a close. As this article is being written, over 38 million nationally (including a record setting 315K in Louisiana) have already voted either by mail or in person (for comparisons sake, 27 million early voted […]
Archive | Polling
RSS feed for this sectionDecision 2018: Wisconsin 6th Congressional District Poll
The 6th Congressional District of Wisconsin covers the central part of the state roughly between Milwaukee and Green Bay. This is an ancestrally Republican district that in fact (in the town of Ripon) was where the Republican Party was founded, and accordingly the district has elected Republicans to Congress for decades. This is the fourth […]
Decision 2018: Colorado 3rd Congressional District Poll
The 3rd District of Colorado is located in the western Colorado and is an economically diverse district covering most of the picturesque Rocky Mountains. In the east is blue collar Pueblo, which has a large Hispanic population, as do some rural counties along the New Mexico border. Throughout the Rockies (in the heart of the […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/12 US Senate scorecard – The Road To 51
In the last Senate scorecard published two weeks ago, JMC noted that Republicans’ chances continued to improve to the point that they could feel better about their chances of maintaining their Senate majority. Now that early voting is almost all “full steam ahead” (only parts of Florida and Oklahoma have yet to start in person […]
Decision 2018: Georgia 7th Congressional District Poll
Historically, the Atlanta suburbs have been thought of as a Republican stronghold. However, the political winds noticeably shifted there (and in other white collar suburban constituencies in states like Texas and Arizona) during the 2016 Presidential elections. In a bipartisan and joint polling engagement conducted independently of any campaign or organization, JMC Analytics and Polling teamed […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/12 US Senate scorecard – The Road To 51
In last week’s scorecard, JMC Analytics and Polling noted that the aftermath of the Kavanaugh Supreme Court hearings brought a “second wind” to Republican candidacies in several tight Senate races; more specifically, Democratic Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota fell substantially behind for the first time, thus making Republicans’ maintaining control of the Senate a […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/11 US House scorecard – The Road To 218
Six days ago, JMC assessed the partisan climate of 435 US House races using a combination of election and polling data. In making these assessments, JMC noted the electoral reality that the “split ticket” voter (i.e, a voter who supports candidates from different parties for Presidential and “downballot” races such as Congressional races) has been […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/9 Statehouse scorecard – The Road To 26
As part of its pre-election analysis, JMC Analytics and Polling has been examining verifiable election data (like polling and primary election results) to make assessments of Congressional races. However, what goes on at the statewide level is important as well, since governors have the ability to help shape policy. And given that this is generally […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/5 US House scorecard – The Road To 218
11 days ago, JMC assessed the partisan climate of 435 US House races using a combination of election and polling data. In making these assessments, JMC considered the electoral reality that the “split ticket” voter (i.e, a voter who supports candidates from different parties for Presidential and “downballot” races such as Congressional races) has been […]
Decision 2018 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s 10/4 US Senate scorecard – The Road To 51
Last week, JMC Analytics and Polling brought back the Scorecard for Senate races, and that scorecard showed Republicans with a plurality lead in Senate races. Has anything changed since last week ? First, let’s talk about the criteria JMC uses to score each of the 35 Senate races on the ballot this year: Scorecard Criteria […]