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Decision 2014 – JMCEL scorecard as of October 9

As we inch closer to Election Day (and, in the case of Louisiana, the “kickoff” of early voting in 12 days), there was minimal movement this past week; what movement there was happened in the governor’s races, where there was a perceptible drift towards Republicans in several statehouses. Scorecard Criteria Given the massive volume of polling data, […]

Decision 2014 – JMCEL scorecard as of September 19

We are now in the midst of election season, and despite the pundits’ musings (as will be explained later), the GOP is actually in decent shape at this point in the cycle. Scorecard Criteria Given the massive volume of polling data, plus the fact that pollsters have varying levels of accuracy, we gather data on […]

Decision 2014 – JMCEL scorecard as of August 31

Primary season is coming to a close – 44 states have now decided their party’s nominees for federal and statewide offices. Since Labor Day traditionally is the time that voters begin to pay attention to political campaigns, this is a good time to revise the scorecard.

Decision 2014 – JMCEL scorecard as of August 16

Right now, 39 states have decided their party’s nominees for federal and statewide offices (Oklahoma’s runoff is on August 26, and there are three more primary dates before the November elections). Given that many of these November races are already underway, this is a good time to bring back the scorecard as a way of objectively assessing […]

Decision 2014: Shrinking the (East Baton Rouge Parish School) Board – JMCEL’s alternative “5-4” plan

In a recent article, we had discussed and analyzed the recently revised redistricting plan for the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board, given that they chose to shrink its size from 11 to 9 members. This redistricting plan was drawn with five white and four black majority districts, according to 2010 Census data. What this […]

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Louisiana Census Data as of July 1, 2013

In our last posting, we discussed population changes from the perspective of changes in voter registration counts for all 144 legislative districts. In this article, we would like to examine population changes from Census data. This past week, the US Census released interim population estimates showing population changes for all 50 states between April 2, 2010 […]