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2011 Louisiana voter purge/projected impact on reapportionment

Every so often (typically after an election cycle), the Louisiana Secretary of State purges the voter rolls of inactive voters. This is typically a low key affair, but this year’s voter purge was noteworthy because it confirmed something that many have suspected since Hurricane Katrina – Metro New Orleans (particularly Orleans Parish) has lost a significant number […]

2010 Midterm results: Part 6(C) – Another way of looking at U.S. House races

Now that the last House race (a Democratic held seat in New York that narrowly stayed in the Democratic column) has been settled, the House will now have 242 Republicans and 193 Democrats, which means that the GOP gained a net of 63 seats. We would like to revisit the issue of the Democrats’ hopes […]

2010 Midterm results: Part 6(B) – 2012 Presidential Race

In our prior posting about the House races, we briefly analyzed the 2012 Presidential race through the lens of the electoral behavior of each state during midterm elections.  We noted that “….At a minimum, the states which voted for McCain in 2008 are very unlikely to switch to Obama in 2012. States in the interior […]

2010 Midterm results: Part 6 – U.S. House races

From the Republicans’ perspective, the “crown jewel” of the 2010 midterm elections was the recapture, by a significant margin, of the U.S. House of Representatives. This house of Congress has been under Democratic control since 2007, and since 1955 has been Democratic controlled for 44 of the last 56 years. Few pundits, however, have bothered to delve into […]