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Demographic analysis of the August 2016 flood

Was the August 2016 flood that hit south Louisiana especially hard (more so than the 1983 flood) a “Katrina event”? In other words, has the devastation sparked a massive resettlement into other parts of the state (and to other states, for that matter) ? To answer this question, JMC Analytics and Polling examined changes in voter registration between […]

Decision 2016 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s (Second) Georgia Poll

JMC Analytics and Polling recently conducted a poll in Georgia both of the Presidential and US Senate races, and found that Donald Trump has seen his position noticeably improve relative to the August poll, while Senator Johnny Isakson has some work to do to get to 50% on Election Day. The poll write-up and analysis are […]

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Decision 2016: Has Donald Trump “spiked” Democratic voter registration? (September 16 update)

Donald Trump has run an unconventional campaign. And part of that departure from convention has involved the use of controversial rhetoric that has been widely thought to energize unregistered minority and/or Democratic voters, thus making it more difficult for him to carry critical swing states like Florida and get elected. Or has he ? To best evaluate this […]

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JMC Analytics and Polling’s “A-B-Cs” of polling

In a political or issue campaign, substantial resources are spent on TV, direct mail, Internet advertising, social media, and the like to communicate its message to voters. But how can campaigns evaluate whether these communications were effective? That’s where polling comes in, and a properly constructed poll is the most effective (and objective) way to […]

Decision 2016 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s June 12 Presidential scorecard

Introduction – how does JMC Analytics and Polling call a state? When analyzing the Presidential contest, the more data that is available, the better. Because with both partisan and non partisan sources alike releasing their polls, the truth is somewhere in the middle of all of their poll numbers. Real Clear Politics has been faithfully […]

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Decision 2016: Has Donald Trump “spiked” Democratic voter registration ?

As the 2016 election cycle progresses, the prevalent narrative is that, as the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump has energized Democrats, as evidenced by a spike in voter registration. Is this narrative supported by the data? To evaluate this assertion, JMC Analytics and Polling examined changes in partisan voter registration since January 1, 2016. The methodology/assumptions used were as […]

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2015 Louisiana Census Estimates By Parish

While the US Census (which was last taken on April 1, 2010) is formally conducted every 10 years, the Census Bureau periodically posts estimates of the Census population for all counties/parishes across the nation. And just yesterday, population estimates were released for all of Louisiana’s 64 parishes. What do these population estimates tell us ? While […]

Decision 2016: The Iowa caucuses

The Iowa caucuses have concluded, with (as this article is being written) 99% of the Republican vote and 95% of the Democratic vote counted. What are the takeaways ? Republicans (1) Ted Cruz’s w 28-24% win over Donald Trump proves once again that the grass roots matters – quite simply, Ted Cruz had a ground game that […]

(The end of) Decision 2015: What happened ?

At the onset of the 2015 election cycle, Senator David Vitter was considered the prohibitive favorite for Governor. Yet at the conclusion of last night’s runoff, his 44% showing was the worst statewide showing for a Republican candidate in a competitive race since the 1991 runoff, when Edwin Edwards defeated David Duke 61-39%. What conclusions can be […]