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JMC Analytics and Polling’s “A-B-Cs” of polling

In a political or issue campaign, substantial resources are spent on TV, direct mail, Internet advertising, social media, and the like to communicate its message to voters. But how can campaigns evaluate whether these communications were effective? That’s where polling comes in, and a properly constructed poll is the most effective (and objective) way to […]

Decision 2016 – JMC Analytics and Polling’s June 12 Presidential scorecard

Introduction – how does JMC Analytics and Polling call a state? When analyzing the Presidential contest, the more data that is available, the better. Because with both partisan and non partisan sources alike releasing their polls, the truth is somewhere in the middle of all of their poll numbers. Real Clear Politics has been faithfully […]

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Decision 2016: Trump/Clinton Louisiana statewide poll

JMC Analytics and Polling recently (and independently) polled the Presidential race in Louisiana. Despite widely publicized reports of Republican defections within and without the state, Louisiana voters in general (and Republicans specifically) are strongly behind Donald Trump, despite the fact that the poll also shows him with mediocre approval ratings (his approval ratings, however, were better […]

(The end of) Decision 2015: What happened ?

At the onset of the 2015 election cycle, Senator David Vitter was considered the prohibitive favorite for Governor. Yet at the conclusion of last night’s runoff, his 44% showing was the worst statewide showing for a Republican candidate in a competitive race since the 1991 runoff, when Edwin Edwards defeated David Duke 61-39%. What conclusions can be […]

The “spin free truth” about Louisiana’s “cell phone voters”

Two decades ago, the advent of the Internet (specifically, the widespread use of the World Wide Web) transformed the PC from a niche product into something that has become commonplace in nearly every household. Similarly, the telephone has seen a similar transformation. Early on (in the late 1990s), the cell phone became affordable to the […]

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Polling 101

In a political campaign, significant resources are spent on TV, direct mail, Internet, social media, and the like to communicate with voters. But how do campaigns know if these communications have been effective? The most effective (and objective) way to measure this is through periodic polling, which has the additional benefit of determining whether additional […]

Decision 2014 – JMCEL scorecard as of August 31

Primary season is coming to a close – 44 states have now decided their party’s nominees for federal and statewide offices. Since Labor Day traditionally is the time that voters begin to pay attention to political campaigns, this is a good time to revise the scorecard.