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Louisiana voter registration trends, 2001-2013

Last summer, we had examined Louisiana voter registration (and associated trends) over the previous decade, and in that analysis, we discovered the following: Increased GOP voter registration A continuous decline in the number of white Democrats A black majority among registered Democrats A GOP plurality among white voters  Since that August 2012 analysis, the Presidential […]

Decision 2012: a picture is worth a thousand words (Part 2: New Orleans)

In the previous article, we graphically displayed the election results by precinct for Baton Rouge. This posting is devoted to New Orleans: namely, the “urban core” of Orleans, Jefferson, and Saint Bernard.

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Decision 2012: a picture is worth a thousand words (Part 1: Baton Rouge)

Now that the election has officially concluded with the inauguration of President Obama, we would like to show graphically how various regions of Louisiana voted for President in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 elections. This posting is devoted to Baton Rouge. While the Baton Rouge area leans Republican, there is a substantial black population within […]

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Reapportionment 2020 – early (January 2013) projections

Introduction Every 10 years, states are required to redraw their Congressional and legislative boundaries to reflect population changes that have occurred in the previous decade. Louisiana’s legislature participated in this exercise in the spring of 2011. There was definitely a time pressure to get a plan passed and implemented: Louisiana (and a handful of other […]

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Decision 2012 – Louisiana Presidential Election Results

While the 2008 and 2012 Presidential election results were never in doubt in Louisiana, it’s worth noting that while President Obama’s share of the popular vote dropped from 53 to 51%, he saw a small uptick in support in Louisiana – his share of the vote went from 40 to 41% between 2008 and 2012. […]

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Decision 2012 – Twas the night before Election Day

Tomorrow is election day across America. This has been a truly unique election season for several reasons: (1)  An incumbent President is facing re-election with unemployment nearly at 8% ; (2)  Mitt Romney struggled to find his voice/connect with voters until the first debate in Denver; (3)  Americans in unprecedented numbers have decided not to […]

Decision 2012 – JMCEL’s November 2 Presidential scorecard

Part 1: Summary Statistics (last 7 days) Obama vs Romney: 48-47% Romney (was 49-47% Romney) President Obama job approval: 49-49% approve/disapprove (was 49-48% approve/disapprove) Generic Congressional Vote: 45-45% Republican (was 45-44% Republican) US Senate Projections: 47 Democrats, 47 Republicans, 1 Independent, 5 Tossups (was 48-46-1 Democrat) Governor’s Race Projections: 30 Republicans, 16 Democrats, 1 Independent, […]

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Decision 2012 – Louisiana Supreme Court Poll

District 5 of the Louisiana Supreme Court is essentially the Baton Rouge, Louisiana media market (i.e., Baton Rouge, its suburbs, and surrounding parishes). This is an area that because of its white collar job base and innate conservatism can be counted on to vote Republican. However, there is also a formidable Democratic base comprising three […]