While Election Day is just over five weeks away, election season is (with the first Presidential debate two days away) moving at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the current atmospherics of the election cycle by focusing on early voting and (to a lesser extent) available polling. Discussion […]
Archive | Analysis
RSS feed for this sectionDecision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (September 18 edition)
While Election Day less than seven weeks away, election season isn’t just underway, but it’s already proceeding at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the atmospherics of the election cycle by focusing on early voting and (to a lesser extent) available polling. Discussion Point #1: Not “Election DAY”, […]
Decision 2020: JMC’s “Election Soundbites” (September 10 edition)
While Election Day is just under two months away, election season isn’t just underway, but it’s already proceeding at an accelerated pace. Given that accelerated pace, JMC will in this article discuss the atmospherics of this election cycle using existing, publicly available data. More specifically, both partisan voter registration and partisan primary participation. Discussion Point […]
Decision 2020: Will Louisiana “mail it in” this November ?
Louisiana voters tend to be creatures of habit. For years, mail in voting was an insubstantial part of the electorate, and nearly everyone voted on Election Day. That changed after Hurricane Katrina, when in person early voting was introduced. This method of voting took some time for voters to get used to, but it has […]
Decision 2020: Louisiana Presidential Primary vote
Louisiana’s twice delayed Presidential primary was finally held last night. Despite the fact that the Presidential race has been a non-event since “Super Tuesday” in March, people still exhibited some interest in the race: early voting this year was double the volume of the 2016 Presidential primary (201,306, compared to the 100,192 who early voted […]
Decision 2020 – Last Day of Louisiana Presidential Primary early voting
In person early voting for the July 11 primary (originally scheduled for March 24, but the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic pushed the date back twice) has concluded. Even though mail in ballots can still be accepted up to Friday (overseas and military ballots will be accepted up to next Saturday), some impressive numbers have […]
Decision 2020 – “Halftime Report” of Louisiana Presidential Primary early voting
Normally, in person early voting in Louisiana is a one week event; because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Secretary of State has made several changes to its originally scheduled March 24 primary. One of those changes was moving the primary date back to July 11. The second was adding an extra week to in person […]
Decision 2020 – Day 1 of Louisiana Presidential Primary early voting
It would not be an exaggeration to say that the coronavirus pandemic has been a disruptive event. Not only in terms of its widespread impact on people’s lives, but to entire industries as well. It has also (in an instant) reshaped the way that elections are being conducted. Louisiana’s 2020 Presidential Primary is yet another […]
Decision 2020: Why Louisiana’s primary matters
Early voting starts tomorrow in Louisiana for its twice pushed back Presidential primary, although the ballot also contains a handful of local races, as well as Democratic/Republican party committee races. So why does this twice delayed primary matter (July 11 primary, August 15 runoff) ? Historically in Louisiana, mail in voting has made up an […]
Decision 2020: A “distant early warning” about Election “Week” this November
Imagine waking up the morning after Election Day without knowing who won the Presidential election. This actually happened back in November 2000, when a series of reporting errors on Election Night eventually led to the infamous “Florida recount”, as a late evening lead by George W. Bush in that state rapidly disintegrated to less than […]