If you really want to understand underlying voter sentiments in any Presidential election season, polling is a quick and easy way to get that snapshot. However, there is a fair amount of subjectivity inherent in any poll, and variables like the person/firm conducting the polling, the timing of the poll, and similar considerations can affect […]
Archive | Analysis
RSS feed for this sectionDecision 2012 – Primary problems for President Obama ?
Louisiana Democratic Senate Primary Party primaries can predict the future. Back in August 2010, a U.S. Senate primary in Louisiana attracted 110K Democrats and Independents (in that election, Independents were allowed to vote in the Democratic primary), and the results showed that Democrats and Independents were not solidly behind former Congressman Charlie Melancon (D-Napoleonville), who […]
CATS Tax – a picture is worth a thousand words
In our previous article, we analyzed how Baton Rouge voters approved a new property tax to fund the bus system. We would like to be even more specific and let graphical data tell the story: below is the side by side comparison between the 2010 CATS vote (which failed, but the voting “universe” was for […]
Turnout matters – how Baton Rouge voters passed a tax increase
Turnout and intensity matter in elections. That’s the best way to explain how Baton Rouge voters, who both in 2009 and 2010 defeated proposed tax increases, passed a 10 mill property tax increase for the bus system (known locally as CATS) on the second attempt (an attempt to raise taxes to support the bus system […]
Decision 2012 (March 24 Louisiana primary)
Presidential – (1144 delegates to win) Romney 568 (55%), Santorum 273 (27%), Gingrich 135, Ron Paul 50, Huntsman 2 (Source: WSJ) Louisiana Primary – the Republican contest
Decision 2012 (March 14 “Super Southern Tuesday” edition, Part 2 of 2 – Early voting in Louisiana at mid week)
March 24 is the date of Louisiana’s Presidential primary. While there are some local races on the ballot as well, we are limiting our discussion to the Republican Presidential race, as President Obama has minor opposition in the Democratic primary (three opponents qualified in Louisiana to oppose him).
Louisiana Decides – 2011 Runoff Edition (Legislative Races)
In the previous article, we examined the BESE races and noted that not only had the reformers swept all three races that were on the ballot last night, but that a fissure seems to have developed between the black electorate and their leadership and their presumed allies, the teachers unions. In this analysis, we will […]
Louisiana Decides – 2011 Runoff Edition (BESE Board)
Last night’s runoff elections concluded the 2011 election cycle in Louisiana. Who won last night? The answer depends on which elections you’re looking at. In this installment, we will look at the three remaining races on the BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) board that were decided last night.
The Voice of Louisiana, Part III (BESE races)
In the previous article, we looked at the legislative races. In this final installment, we will look at the BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education) races.
The Voice of Louisiana, Part II (Legislative races)
In the previous installment, we looked at the statewide races. In this installment, we will look at the legislative races.