Last night, Louisianians chose their statewide officials, legislators, and local elected officials. What was the will of the voter ? We will answer this question by examining the results for the various offices. For each type of office, we will analyze what happened/what the voters said.
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RSS feed for this sectionOctober 2011 Election Preview (Part 2 of 2)
In our previous analysis, we assessed the statewide races and discussed projected voter turnout. In this article, we will discuss what to look for on Election Night, and we will briefly touch on some legislative races.
October 2011 Election Preview (Part 1 of 2)
Primary election day in Louisiana is less than 72 hours away. On the ballot this year are the statewide races, all eight elected seats for BESE (Board of Elementary and Secondary Education), all 144 legislative seats, and a myriad of local races. What is our assessment of these races?
Early voting concludes in Louisiana – October 2011 edition
The general election is now six days away. In person early voting has concluded (although mail in ballots can still be accepted until Friday). We have been following the the early voting numbers, and what we’ve noticed so far is as follows:
2011 Elections “Kickoff” – First day of Early Voting
Early voting for Louisiana’s October 22 statewide primary started yesterday and will continue until next Saturday (mail in ballots will still be accepted until the day before Election Day). From examining early voting statistics provided to us by the Secretary of State, there are several things we noticed:
JMCEL’s projection of statewide voter turnout
In our last article, we raised the issue of projected turnout for the October 22 elections by noting that early voting volume, as well as the demographic mixture of the early voters, could paint a turnout portrait before the Secretary of State issues its turnout projections.
Turnout and why it matters
One of the most misunderstood areas of election analysis is the impact that turnout intensity (or lack thereof) can have on a race. For Louisiana elections, turnout intensity is most noticeable when you look at the extent to which whites and blacks vote. One of the oldest truisms in Louisiana electoral politics is that whites […]
Louisiana Candidate Filing – Day 3 (Things heat up – a little – on the last day)
Candidate filing has concluded in Louisiana. This was the first year in history that Democrats largely stayed away. So what happened?
Louisiana Candidate Filing – Day 2 (Things quiet down)
The second day of filing has concluded (the deadline to file is 5PM tomorrow). Most of the remaining “holdouts” among the incumbents did end up filing today, and some more challengers filed today as well. Overall, however, the pace was considerably slower than yesterday (40 candidates for statewide legislative office filed today, as opposed to […]
Louisiana Candidate Filing – Day 1 (“Incumbent’s Day”)
The first day of filing concluded, and nearly all incumbents who were supposed to qualify did so, although there were a fair number of challengers who filed today as well.