In the previous article, we graphically displayed the election results by precinct for Baton Rouge. This posting is devoted to New Orleans: namely, the “urban core” of Orleans, Jefferson, and Saint Bernard.
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RSS feed for this sectionDecision 2012: a picture is worth a thousand words (Part 1: Baton Rouge)
Now that the election has officially concluded with the inauguration of President Obama, we would like to show graphically how various regions of Louisiana voted for President in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 elections. This posting is devoted to Baton Rouge. While the Baton Rouge area leans Republican, there is a substantial black population within […]
Decision 2012: a final analysis
The 2012 Presidential Election officially ended around Christmas, when the last of the ballots from New York City (which was challenged with conducting an election in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy) were counted. Now that we have the official results, it’s worth analyzing them against the 2008 and 2004 Presidential elections. Official Vote Count (Obama […]
Reapportionment 2020 – early (January 2013) projections
Introduction Every 10 years, states are required to redraw their Congressional and legislative boundaries to reflect population changes that have occurred in the previous decade. Louisiana’s legislature participated in this exercise in the spring of 2011. There was definitely a time pressure to get a plan passed and implemented: Louisiana (and a handful of other […]
Decision 2012 – East Baton Rouge Parish Presidential Election Results (2 of 2)
Introduction In our previous analysis, we had provided the context for explaining how a parish that up to the 1996 Presidential election consistently voted more Republican than the state of Louisiana has now moved steadily towards the Democrats, while the rest of the state is becoming more solidly Republican. In this analysis, we will explain (at […]
Decision 2012 – East Baton Rouge Parish Presidential Election Results (1 of 2)
Anyone attempting to analyze the politics of East Baton Rouge Parish needs to understand that it is a politically competitive parish that has a “gumbo” of citizens from within and without Louisiana, and even from foreign countries. By understanding these different regions, the Presidential vote in the parish for 2004, 2008, and 2012 makes more […]
Decision 2012 – Louisiana Presidential Election Results
While the 2008 and 2012 Presidential election results were never in doubt in Louisiana, it’s worth noting that while President Obama’s share of the popular vote dropped from 53 to 51%, he saw a small uptick in support in Louisiana – his share of the vote went from 40 to 41% between 2008 and 2012. […]
Decision 2012 – Louisiana Early Voting (End of in person early voting)
Early voting for the Presidential election in Louisiana concluded yesterday afternoon. Even though mail in absentee ballots can still be accepted for another week, it’s interesting to see what happened with early voting, as it is becoming an increasingly popular way for Louisianians to vote Here’s what we have noticed:
Decision 2012 – Can Mitt Rommey win ?
Is the Mitt Romney campaign beyond the point of being able to win? That is the narrative that is being repeated in the media right now. We decided to independently assess his chances by using publicly available polling data. The reason we are using poll data is that is the best metric (before any votes […]
Decision 2012 – “swing state” voter registration (Part 2 of 2)
In a previous installment of this analysis, we analyzed voter registration changes in Florida, Colorado, and Iowa from 2008-2012. In this article, we will examine Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.