When we discussed the election results, we briefly examined the vote that David Vitter and Charlie Melancon received overall and in each parish. There are a couple more things we wanted to mention regarding Vitter and Melancon’s performance:
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RSS feed for this sectionLouisiana/West Virginia Congressional Primary results
Last night, both Louisiana and West Virginia conducted their Congressional primaries. Though the Louisiana Congressional primary was a very low turnout affair (7% overall turnout, with 13% on the GOP side and 5% on the Democratic/Independent side), there are several items which are worth mentioning:
Early (Congressional) Voting in Louisiana wraps up…….
Louisiana’s Congressional primaries are now less than a week away. Early voting for the Congressional primaries has concluded, although mail in/faxed ballots will still be accepted up until Friday. We are keeping track of the early voting numbers, and what we’ve noticed so far is as follows:
Early (Congressional) Voting in Louisiana, mid-week edition
Louisiana’s Congressional primaries are now a little over a week away. Early voting for the Congressional primaries started this past Saturday and will conclude this Saturday at 6PM. We are keeping track of the early voting numbers, and what we’ve noticed so far is as follows:
The effect of the “Obama plunge” on House elections
The big unanswered question of the 2010 elections is: will the Republicans recapture the House, the Senate, or both ? Currently, the House is controlled by the Democrats 256-179, while the Senate is controlled by the Democrats by a 59-41 margin. Since most of the information about this subject on either side of the political spectrum […]
Electoral landslides for dummies
As this article is being written, Election Day is 14 weeks away. The predominant chatter among political pundits is not whether there will be Republican gains, but the extent of those gains, and whether those gains can produce a Republican wave large enough to enable them to retake the House, the Senate, or both houses of Congress […]
Early analysis of the Louisiana Lieutenant Governor’s Race
The conventional wisdom is that Secretary of State Jay Dardenne is a shoo in for the Lt Governor’s race. We would like to test that assumption by examining the strengths/weaknesses of the major candidates running in this race and projecting their vote totals on a parish by parish basis to predict the overall primary results.
The “Obama Plunge” – what is it ?
In several major elections held since “cap and trade” passed the U.S. House last summer, we have noted a considerable dropoff in Democratic support relative to the levels of support Barack Obama received in his 2008 Presidential race. We believe this dropoff (aka, the “Obama plunge”) can be used to evaluate the electoral prospects of Democratic congressional candidates […]
The U.S. House “deems” the 2011 budget as passed
Part One: Vote to raise the national debt ceiling Elections (past, present, and future) have consequences. Back in February, we noted that the upset victory of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts sent a psychological shock wave to some Democrats who were beginning to get “cold feet” politically after tough votes on legislation like the stimulus, […]
(Trivial) midterm election statistics
41 – states whose Congressional filing deadlines have passed (the last filing deadline is Delaware’s, on July 30) 26 – states who have held primaries so far (the last Congressional primary is Hawaii’s, on September 18) 52 – Congressional retirements so far (23 Democrats, 29 Republicans – the recent record was set in 1992, with 70 retirements) 5 […]