Last month, 2010 Census data was released for Louisiana. This data showed that East Baton Rouge Parish grew 7% since 2000, and that its 2010 population of 440,171 makes it the largest parish in the state. Though this rate of growth was faster than Louisiana’s, EBR’s growth was less than the national average. This 7% […]
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RSS feed for this section“Census Day in Louisiana”, Part 3 – Hispanic/Asian Population Changes
In a recent article, we noted that the 2010 Census showed that Louisiana’s population grew 1.4% over the past decade, and that the racial breakdown was 63% white and 32% black. What about the changes to the Asian and Hispanic populations during that time period?
“Census Day in Louisiana”, Part 2 – Demographic Changes
Several days ago, Census data for Louisiana was released, and we noted here that its population growth was 1.4% over the past decade. We would like to further add to the analysis by noting the changes in racial composition during the last decade:
Today was “Census Day” in Louisiana
In a recent article, we made some assumptions about population trends in Louisiana based on the change in registered voters betwen 2000 and 2010. Now that detailed Census data was released for Louisiana today, we now can quantify the population shifts that have occurred throughout the state in the past decade.
2011 Louisiana voter purge/projected impact on reapportionment
Every so often (typically after an election cycle), the Louisiana Secretary of State purges the voter rolls of inactive voters. This is typically a low key affair, but this year’s voter purge was noteworthy because it confirmed something that many have suspected since Hurricane Katrina – Metro New Orleans (particularly Orleans Parish) has lost a significant number […]
Some thoughts about redistricting
Yesterday, the Census released information detailing how the House of Representatives is to be apportioned between the states. To no one’s surprise, Louisiana is slated to lose one of its its seven House districts, due to lower than normal population growth that has been occurring since the 1980s.
East Baton Rouge Parish Politics Part II
Though Louisiana was one of a handful of states to give John McCain a higher percentage of the vote than George W. Bush received in 2004, East Baton Rouge moved towards the Democrats and, to many people’s surprise, voted for Barack Obama – one of only 10 parishes in Louisiana to do so. How did […]
East Baton Rouge Parish Politics Part I
In general, East Baton Rouge is a competitive parish that Republicans usually carry. We will analyze this competitiveness in the context of its electoral performance in presidential elections between 1976 and 2008.
Regions of East Baton Rouge Parish
Anyone attempting to analyze the politics of East Baton Rouge Parish would be mistaken to view the entire parish through the context of what’s seen while driving into town along the “new bridge” from the west.