Archive | Baton Rouge

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Louisiana House District Political Statistics

Last week, the House passed a reapportionment plan for its chamber that Governor Jindal signed into law. Now that the dust has settled, what is the political impact of this new plan ? The exact political impact can’t be quantified until the fall elections, due to several intangibles: (1) the quality and quantity of candidates […]

Redistricting in East Baton Rouge Parish – a modest proposal

East Baton Rouge Parish is now the most populous parish in Louisiana, with 440, 171 residents. Its governing body is a 12 member Metrocouncil, whose members all come up for re-election next year. Even though redistricting will be performed “in house”, we thought it would be useful for its citizens to see a plan drawn up from an outsiders point […]

Congressional Redistricting in Louisiana – a modest proposal

The loss of a Congressional seat in Louisiana has complicated the redistricting picture. We have considered the “will of the people” as reported by the media in public/committee hearings, and as such, we have a Congressional reapportionment plan that attempts to please as many of the critics as possible. Specifically, we have heard the following feedback:

“Census Day in East Baton Rouge Parish” – Demographic Changes

Last month, 2010 Census data was released for Louisiana. This data showed that East Baton Rouge Parish grew 7% since 2000, and that its 2010 population of 440,171 makes it the largest parish in the state.  Though this rate of growth was faster than Louisiana’s, EBR’s growth was less than the national average. This 7% […]