2010 Primary Season statistics
With primary season winding down, there are two things we wanted to show you graphically: (1) The primary vote by party by state, and (2) Current list of House races we’re watching.
(1) Primary vote by party by state – For states that have held primaries so far, we looked at the certified results provided by the Secretary of State for all states but Illinois (the only available results we found there were compiled by the Associated Press) that had contested statewide primaries on both the Republican and the Democratic side. Currently, 28 out of 42 states which have held primaries so far meet this criteria. In some states, there were contested gubernatorial and Senate primaries for both parties – we chose the primary with the higher turnout. So far, 27 million votes have been cast in the primary, and 55% of that vote has been in the Republican primary.
(2) Current list of House races we’re watching – in our most recent weekly analysis of House races, we gave a summary count of those Congressmen who were either vulnerable, on the “watch list”, or were safe. We would like to show you the listing of those individual House members meeting that criteria.