JMCEL’s “Pulse of Louisiana” Poll, August 21 edition

This is the third “Pulse of Louisiana” poll we have conducted. In the first poll, we measured the re-elect numbers for President Obama and Senator Landrieu, and we also looked at how her healthcare reform vote has affected her re-elect numbers (the results of that poll are here).

In the second “Pulse of Louisiana” poll, we focused more on statewide issues that we believed were relevant to upcoming legislative elections (the results of that poll are here).

This time, we decided to ask a question which hasn’t been asked (but should), now that former Governor Edwards has concluded his prison term. That unasked/unmentionable question: how many people would vote for him if he could run for office again ? We also wanted to gauge voter sentiment about privatization, the homestead exemption, and “taxes on the rich.” Those (summary and detailed) results are here.