Decision 2021: Virginia statewide poll

Virginia is a state that has politically exemplified the transition from the “solid South” to the “progressive South.” It in 1969 was one of the first states to elect a Republican governor, and in 1976, it was the only Deep South state not to vote for Jimmy Carter. Furthermore, from 1968 to 2004, it only supported Republicans for President, although its record in statewide races was mixed.

Starting in 2008, however, it voted for Barack Obama, and has voted Democratic for President ever since then. It also has not elected a Republican governor since 2009. This is due not only to its black population, but the expanding influence of metropolitan spillover from Washington DC, which has steadily enlarged the Democratic voting base.

This year, Virginia and New Jersey are conducting statewide elections, and JMC Analytics and Polling has partnered with CNalysis from Virginia for a crowdfunded poll (the third one JMC has conducted) regarding the statewide elections this November.

The poll (and its crosstabs) can be found here.