A modern (and transparent) way to poll major races

In the nearly 10 years I’ve been in business, polling in Louisiana (and other states across the country) is something I do – and love doing – for a living, whether the race is a national, statewide, or a local one. I’ve noticed in the political world, however, there is a scant availability of independent, publicly released polling, which is a concern to me (and to many others in the political world, from political people I talk to everyday).

I’ve also found that some states/Congressional districts get more polling attention than others. Therefore, I wish to give the political public a choice to weigh in (via crowdfunding and social media) whether (and where) they want to fund independent polling. As to WHAT to poll, for now, I will poll the election public on social media (My preferred social media platform is Twitter, @winwithjmc is my handle), and what the group decides is what I will poll, assuming sufficient funding.

As to existing (or future) polls I do for my clients, nothing has changed – or will change. This is merely a new offering to fill a (huge) void in the market.

All polls done by me/my company (JMC Analytics and Polling) will be publicly released with crosstabs (as well as my summary analysis) as a way of encouraging transparent communication about how a given race is REALLY going.

In other words, you (the political marketplace) get to decide what you want to have polled, and through your feedback (which via Twitter polls I conduct) I give you that choice!

My first campaign on Go Fund Me is here

And as always, thanks for your support over the years ! It really means a lot to me.