Decision 2015: JMCEL’s “bite sized politics” (House District 94)

INCUMBENT: Nick Lorusso (Republican)

DESCRIPTION: This is a district containing equal parts of Orleans and Jefferson Parish (with Orleans containing about 60% of the voters) that was actually the combination of two separate House districts (one in Orleans and one in Jefferson) after the 2011 reapportionment. The overall tone is middle to upper middle class, with some affluent neighborhoods near Lake Pontchartrain in the Orleans Parish precincts.

This is one of several districts that were visibly changed by Hurricane Katrina, as one of the levee breaks occurred in the district on the New Orleans side of the 17th Street Canal. Since then, there has been a noticeable amount of rebuilding that has transformed the Lakeview neighborhood.


District Map

District Map









RED/BLUE RATING (using 2008, 2012, and 2014 elections): 60% Republican

JMCEL’s SUMMARY: Overall, the district has a decided Republican preference, although it’s important to note that there is a noticeable liberal Democratic voter base in the New Orleans precincts – particularly in Midctity, and to an increasing extent in the Lakeview subdivision. However, “local Republicans” can and have won this district with relative ease. Rep. Nick Lorusso was first elected in a 2007 special election, and has fairly easily dispatched challenges from both Democratic and Republican opponents. He is allowed to serve one more term in this district. Given that approximately 60% of the electorate comes from Orleans Parish, a New Orleans candidate is likely to be his successor.