Decision 2015: JMCEL’s “bite sized politics” (House District 34)

INCUMBENT: A.B. Franklin (Democrat)

DESCRIPTION: House District 34 is located in the inner city area of Lake Charles and includes roughly the area between Wardline Road in the east, the Calcasieu River in the west, and Gauthier Road in the south.


District Map

District Map










RED/BLUE RATING (using 2008, 2012, and 2014 elections): 81% Democratic

JMCEL’s SUMMARY: House District 34 has long been a solidly Democratic district in Lake Charles, and was drawn to have a black majority back during the 1980s redistricting. Sine then, it has had very stable representation, with four black Democrats in a row representing the district. The last time the seat became open was in 2007, thanks to term limits, and Democrat A.B. Franklin was elected in the runoff with 58% of the vote. He drew a single opponent in 2011, and was re-elected in the primary with 78% of the vote. He is allowed to serve two more terms, and should have no problems with re-election.